The Alpha Kappa Sigma Chapter administration is passionately dedicated to inspiring and empowering the Brotherhood. As a unified Brotherhood, we wholeheartedly recognize that practicing Servant Leadership, both internally and externally, is crucial for the well-being of our community. It is essential that we support and involve our brothers and community as a cohesive brotherhood. Now more than ever, the Brothers of the Alpha Kappa Sigma Chapter must take a leading role in addressing the challenges affecting our communities, such as elections, mental health and well-being, hunger, and various other issues. Finally, we must continue to invest in our members, as we are the greatest asset of our Chapter and will only achieve our great Fraternity Mission.
The Petersburg Crescent Foundation is the philanthropic arm of the Alpha Kappa Sigma Chapter, dedicated to fostering positive change and community development in the Petersburg, Virginia area. Established with a mission to empower local residents, education scholarships, and promote sustainable growth, the Foundation focuses on initiatives that enhance education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.
Alpha Alpha Alpha Chapter
Sigma Beta Club